So one Gurugram based aunty first slut shamed a young girl for wearing a short dress and then clutched on to a couple of yellow smiley cushions as she was chased through a department store by the same bunch of girls whom she tried to police with her narrow-minded vision. While watching the eye-witness video I couldn't take my eyes off those yellow cushions and was distracted enough to miss bits of the conversation - but I did catch the general drift. Auntyji told a girl off for wearing short clothes and equated it with an open invitation to get raped. She then compounded her colossal stupidity by inviting bystander men to rape her. The girl and her friends then chased aunty through a shop (that sells smiley cushions) asking for an apology. Clutching her cushions the aunty ran down one aisle, then another, as the young girls chased after her demanding that apology. Then before you knew it a bystander mother had added her voice to the scene. And that my dear friends is when th...